Thursday, February 7, 2008

"The shear agony of not enough sleep!"
Piper is a third child who gets hauled around everywhere with no consideration of her needs as in sleep, food, attention, etc. And then at night she lets us know her frustration!! Sometimes I wish to be 1 1/2 years old again and able to let people know how I feel!!
You can see in the picture that Piper is a child you LOVES shoes. She sleeps with her shoes on and would even like to bathe with them on if I let her. She loves her popsicles and hates anything in her hair (i.e.-ponytails). She also is beginning to "fight back". We will have to post Alizah's war wounds, which look identical to the scratches that Hanna had on her face from Alizah's tiger nails only a few months ago. So I guess what goes around, comes around, Right?? The cat fights that we have at our house are pretty comical. Oh Brandon and I can't wait until we have three teenage daughters!! Oh Joy for us! WE LOVE OUR GIRLS!!


Anonymous said...

All I can say is.....

Korbi said...

just so you know, when the girls are in teenage mode feel free to send them to Aunt Kiki's house and I'll be the loving one, so that you can hate them...

Brit said...

WOW!!! what a good picture to show her friends when she gets to that teenage mode!!!! Her boyfriends will love it!!!! Love you all so much!!!

Marsha said...

Sweet little Piper needs a "papa fix". She is adorable!!

Korbi said...

we need a new post! We need a new post!!

melanie said...

I love Piper in this photo! She's adorable, even when she's ticked off. Who knows, you might prefer the cat fights to all the crappy scout stuff I'm going to have to go to. I'll keep you posted, ha!