Friday, April 4, 2008

Question of the day....WHO STEALS A SEVEN YEAR OLD'S BIRTHDAY CAKE??? So the story goes, we were RUNNING to the hosptial to make it to the birth of Paisley, so we put Hanna's ice cream cake outside under the car (it was night/cold/the only choice I had) and made it to hear the screaming as I was running down the hall (no epidural for Korbi), then rounded the corner and saw Paisley..Anyway which I'll give more details later-back to the cake. After we got back to the car Hanna's birthday cake was no longer there! It was 10:00 at night and the cake was gone. So Hanna had to open her presents from her family without a cake. Remember the goodness that I told of Hanna? Well her response to the absence of the cake was, "Well I guess Dairy Queen was out of cakes, and somebody else needed it." We've really had enough cake in Idaho so the missing cake wasn't really the issue. I tried to use it as a teaching moment and say remember how you feel right now when someone has taken something of yours-so don't ever take something that doesn't belong to you. So I guess in the end i hope some other little Hanna who is turning seven enjoyed our birthday cake!! So back to the Paisley story. I knew the screams belonged to Korbi when I heard them. I just didn't know she was going to try the birth without drugs, so the piercing loudness of them surprised me. Paisley is a little bruised, but beautiful! I thought right away she looks like Beck. She is smaller-only 7 lbs. 4 ozs. which again surprised me! Korbi did great though. She was wonder woman and seemed in really good spirits. Beck got to see his sister and blew her and his mom kisses the whole time. We will go see them today. Hopefully my children will be well enough to hold their cousin soon!


Marsha said...

Ohh, That sweet comment from Hanna is one of the many reasons I love her so much. She truly is a child of God.

I'm excited for Korbi and Steve, glad she made it here safely. I'm sure little Beck is thrilled. Congrats to them!

Brit said...

Wow I'm impressed with all the blogs!!! Hanna is such a sweetheart!!! Good luck with all of your adventures!!! It was so good to see you and your girls!! We love you!!!

melanie said...

The scream recognition cracks me up! Sad about the cake. Maybe it was reported as an ice cream cake bomb and had to be removed, ha ha!