Saturday, August 30, 2008

Piper and "gum, gum"

This is a whole package of chewed gum!!
Piper has a thing with "gum-gum". Her babysitter Tammy got her started with it and she has always been extremely good for a two year old with gum. It rarely ends up on the floor or swallowed. She'll carry her package of gum around and chew one piece then throw it away, then chew another piece and throw it away, etc. But this picture is of an ENTIRE package of gum that Grandma sent. I was doing something else and heard a gagging/throwing up sound and ran to find Piper on top of the coffee table with this wad of gum in her mouth and she couldn't get it out!! So I reacted, got the gum and she screamed at me because she wanted to keep chewing it!
She loves gum-gum!!


Korbi said...

that's disgusting...

Anonymous said...

I agree....

melanie said...

Oh my! Piper, I'll give you more gum but just one piece at a time, k?

twylla said...

gee Piper dont you know gum is not good for your teeth. Just one piece at a time and then brush and brush and brush

Kaela said...

come visit my new blog

Marsha said... are a doll! Grandma know how much you love gum gum. Thats why I only send sugar free. One piece at a time is a good idea.

steve and lisa said...

She is so cute!!!!!!!!
Hope school is not as crazy as I think it is for you! You are such a great mom! Loved your talk last week! You are an amazing mom - still cannot believe everything that you do! Lisa