Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 Polar Express

As I am running a little backward on my blogs, this was our next stop on our vacation two weeks ago....The North Pole!! We boarded our Polar Express in Heber City, Utah and made the magical journey to the North Pole! It was very exciting for the kids and I'm sure made memories for them. We sang Christmas carols, read the Polar Express book, and ate cookies and hot chocolate. They got to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas and Hanna changed hers at the last minute! She didn't want to tell Santa she wanted a cell phone, so she told him a camera, which surprised us! She said afterward that she didn't want to be embarrased asking for something too old for her....but she was sure Santa knew what she wanted "in her heart." I'll never know what goes on in her head half the time. Alizah held true with her My Little Pony Rollercoaster and Piper asked for her baby doll. Santa gave them each a bell and the elves told each of them which reindeer the bell came from. Piper's came from Rudolph (which Alizah wanted REAL BAD), and Alizah's came from Blitzen who the elf said she was lucky cuz he never really shares). I don't remember where Hanna's came from, so I'll have to ask her. All those kids ringing their bells at once for an hour after, is still ringing in our ears! Papa and Grandma Nelson were able to make the trip with us and after we went into Salt Lake to spend the night. We made a quick trip to Temple Square to see the lights. I say quick because it was freezing cold and we basically ran through the outside lights. The next day was my birthday, so we had a nice dinner at The Spaghetti Factory in Trolley Square (my parents took us their alot when we were llittle) , and we went Christmas shopping a little bit. I was able to go to Tai Pan, an interior design warehouse, which my friend Lisa has been talking about and I walked around with my mouth open the whole time wishing I had brought a U-Haul with me to take home! All in all-great trip!!


Kaela said...

It sounds like you all had fun!

Jana said...

I went to Tai Pan and couldn't wait to get out of there. Guess that is the difference between crafty people and those who hate crafts. Did Hanna get a cell phone? Jennica didn't get one until college - what a different generation.

twylla said...

2q.comWhat a great experience for everyone. It is a lot oof fun. I went with my fried Loleta on the Polor express last year. We had a good time but it was not Christmas so we didnt get to see Santa or get a bell but we did have a nice ride. It was a very enjoyuable trip. The girls will have some good memories that they spen with their grandparents. Of couse Temple Squar is alwsys a great time. Tim and family take me each year and we enjoy the musical programs and spen some time in Salt Lake shopping and checking out the big city then we have to stop at the Cracker Barre; amd the donut shop in Laytom. We always have a very good week end.