Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Kortni's 1st blog

Kortni's first entry into this high tech world of blogging is actually being written by me, Korbi, her youngest and most favorite sister. She mentioned to our little brother, Kalan, who is visiting us here in Moses Lake for Thanksgiving, that she wanted him to set up a blog for her, but I decided to do it for her because I entered this world of blogging about a month or two ago and it is quite fun and interesting. I decided to post this 1st picture of Kortni's girls and my son, Beck because they are his most favorite thing in the world right now. He always gets so excited when he sees Kortni's black Expedition because he knows that his 3 favorite blond girlies are going to jump out and be happy to see him. Well, except when him and Piper butt heads every once on a while, but when it comes time for them to leave and he realizes that he is not going with them, it's all tears and hugs, even for baby Piper, or Pipe-Pipe which is the name that Alizah calls her baby sister. So Kortni, welcome and have fun. I hope that this isn't the only enrty that ever makes it into this blog...... :) love ya!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on entering the blogging world. Keep it updated so I can see my girls!