Sunday, February 3, 2008

Well our life can continue this week. The first annual "Flip Flop Hop" hosted by our A.I.M. Gymanstics is finally over!! The pictures are of Hanna and her scorecard, her team, and the dramatic pose with her rose from a teammates' mom. Hanna had fun, got a ribbon, and most importantly to her -got to pass out the goodie bags to the other teams. Mom was afraid she would be sad she didn't earn a medal. What was I thinking???? The past two weeks, we've been working at least 70 hours/week at the gym trying to get ready and also trying to keep daily life going. I didn't realize the equipment that had to be moved, the build out upstairs to hold concessions, the computer work that had to be done, awards to ordered and most importantly cleaning that had to be done. We had about 80 gymnasts and their fans squeezed into our almost too small building. The weather postponed us for an hour for the out of town gyms to get there and the blown electrical circuits almost stopped us from having concessions and music, but we pushed through and we are done until next year! YEAH!! This has been a week too, Monday my car broke down and at 10:00 at night I had to carry two of the girls to the nearest house to call Brandon for a ride, because my cell phone had been left at home. The Bakers (the neighbors) were actually kind enough to borrow us their suburban for the next few days so we didn't slow down too much! And on Friday, the water pump on our well broke and we didn't have water to clean-up Piper's throw up all over her and the car on the way to take Hanna to school. So off we went to a friends to get clean! Whew!! The week is over and I don't have to work tommorrow so our goal is to find a floor to our house, clean clothes, and clean dishes. My past week seemed so terrible at the time, but I have been humbled tonight by a phone call from a sister who's family lost their 16 year old nephew, and another sister who is on bedrest to prevent another pre-mature baby, so I guess I am humbled to think of the many blessings that I have, three beautiful girls who's kisses and hugs touch me to the core, a business that brings so much happiness to so many children, and a house and things to allow me to live comfortably. I am grateful to be healthly and able to enjoy so many things! I will be thinking this week of those who need extra comforting and peace in their lives.........


Sommers said...

Thanks for sharing you week!! I don't know how you do all you do!! You are a GREAT mom, wife, teacher and business owner!!

Jenn O said...

You make me tired just reading about your week...glad it's over and on to the next one. Hang in there. :)

Marsha said...

Thanks for posting pictures of Hanna.Grandma really wanted to be there to watch you, I can't wait to be there clapping and smiling while you are performing. I thought about you all day Saturday. I was trying to remember when I was 6 years old, I don't think I was as brave as you are. I'm so proud of you Hanna, I miss you too.

Jerolyn said...

How is it that I am just now finding out you two have a blog?AND for that matter I found it through Beth, through your mom, through your sister...haha. Now I know, you know, I have a blog because I have seen Moses Lake on my site meter SO is that fair? I think not.Ha ha

SO Brandon Nelson how the heck are you anyway? Your girls are adorable and Kortni I don't think it's fair that you haven't aged 1 single day since high school you look just as perrrty! Ok so I just wanted to say hello and I did add you to my favorites so I will be checking in from time to time.(hope that's ok) Take to read Sommers haha