Saturday, November 8, 2008

Deep Kindergarten comments

My kids in kindergarten have been talking about the election. Some of their comments that I heard were definitley one sided to each of the presidential candidates. After reading Korbi's blog, and the article about the terrible disgrace we have shown as a country to our current president, I couldn't help but get my thoughts out on the matter. I have never told a class who I vote for or which candidate I support. Instead I've tried to teach the kids that no matter what we think, there are other people out there that might think differently and if we think we are right, we still need to be considerate to other's opinions. The article on Korbi's blog is interesting in the light of the election that was just held. Even though I did not vote for Obama, I need to take into consideration that he is our President and until he proves otherwise he needs to be supported. I guess I'm so surprised how young these deep feelings of support, respect, etc. are fostered. For example, Hanna came home from school and told me that our new President kills kids. Well, after a few days I figured out that she has just been introduced to the topic of abortion. I now have to have this conversation with her and despite my thoughts on the matter, I was shocked at how second graders are percieving things that are happening in our country. I just hope that parents can be a little bit more aware of their comments and try to teach kids to think for themselves and not be persuaded by other's opinions. Children this young really should have no opinion because there is no way they could have all the information to make an educated decision. And I think this is the biggest problem with elections, conversations about politics (well anything for that matter), etc. is that many people don't have all the facts before they are making their opinions known. I myself need to be more educated in these matters and am trying to make it a point to read more information.

So, on lighter notes, I have another mouse-mice haunting (well not haunting because they are not dead...yet) me. I really feel their eyes on me when I walk down every morning for the past week and see the mouse traps LICKED CLEAN and not set off. I think they are probably making fun of me in their own sick way. So my neighbor, Jerry the hunter, has baited the traps with bacon rines tied to the traps with string. So they'll have to pull and pull and hopefully,....SNAP!!!!!!! Jerry is such a kind man. The kids even know that when we have a problem, we call Jerry. We are so blessed to have Jerry and Tedde down the street and I'm really not just talking about the mice right now. They are always available to help us and we so appreciate them.


Brit said...

Sorry to hear about your smart mouse/mice I know from experience that glue traps and fruit loops works really well!!! I will miss you and Korbi at the Twilight movie event but I have to say I am totally excited and can hardly wait!!!! I hope you and Korbi will take the time to go the movie. Love ya bunches!!!

Jana said...

Katelin had/has a mouse in her house too. They wanted us to set a no kill trap until I asked who was going to set it free! I told her she could just throw the whole thing away. Unfortunately they haven't caught one yet and all the traps are still set. Hope it is gone now - have to see how many new mouse turds are in the drawers!