Saturday, December 12, 2009

Gingerbread House

A grandma at the girls' school put together kits to decorate gingerbread houses, so of course we had to buy one. I was lucky to hold them off till Friday to decorate it. It was an event and a mess! The girls were super good about not eating the candy. I think I ate more than they did. Piper held out till the last picture then begged to eat the snowman's head. It was a fun project and it even had a light that we put in the inside to light it up. The girls are getting pretty excited about the holidays. We decorated the tree and wrapped a few presents. Hopefully we make it through the last week of school and all of our holiday activities!


twylla said...

Well this is about the the third time I have posted and it wont come through. Anywasy it looks like the girls had a great time and it will have so many memories for them. Your Mom made one for me when she was in college and I kept it for a long time finally one year it just fell all apart and i wa so sad but I still have the memories s
which is the most importasnt.

Marsha said...

Good job girls, it's beautiful!! You aren't really going to lick that house are you??