Saturday, July 5, 2008

Scientist Hanna

The "Stick Bot" is Hanna's patented invention that "picks up garbage.
It sticks to him when there's garbage on the ground."
"Stick Bot" made from a phone, tape, paper towel dowel, etc. Her "take-apart" was the hardest thing at Science Camp. The kids had to bring something that could be taken apart and then invent something using the parts. Hanna got frustrated one of the days because she couldn't think that "hard, hard, hard."!
"The Super, Duper, Roller Coaster" made by Hanna's group. The kids used things to build a roller coaster by experimenting with different heights for various speeds for the marble.
Alizah and Piper really liked this one!
The MARS rover. Each group had to make a rover and experiment with the different environments on Mars. Hanna said the most important thing they had to make sure
and have on Mars was a bathroom...

Camp Invention was a great experience for Hanna. She enjoyed the arts & crafts and building the Sludge City/Recycling Town best. I think she takes after me and is more English/Arts inclined. I also think she thought the week would be more test tube science projects, but it was good to get her thinking "outside the box" and working with different kids as a team. I loved being able to let her be apart of a science project and sure appreciate all those who gave her money for her birthday so that she could go!!


Jana said...

Glad Hanna had such a great time at Science Camp. Enjoy all the craziness while you can - before you know it they will be all grown up!

Marsha said...

Maybe Hanna will be the first scientist in the family! Glad you had lots of fun.

Kaela said...

And what cant your girls do???
looks like we have a genious in the family!

twylla said...

Looks like our sweet little Hanna had such a good time at camp. Things like that are so good for chinldren to participate in during the summer time. Good for you Hanna

steve and lisa said...

Found your cute blog & put it on my link list! I need to get that info. on the treehouse vacation you took. My kids would LOVE it!
Your kids are so cute & you are such a good mom to take them out & about! Sorry you got sick on your vacation. The science camp looks like a blast. You have a lot more patience then I ever did while my kids were young! Lisa