Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Field Trip

Long time, no post. We're finally up to something more than work, so thought I'd post a few pics. My school is going to the apple orchard this week. We have 85 kids-so it's split over two days. Brandon took our girls today with Korbi's class while I went to some meetings and I will take my kindergarten class tomorrow. it's the best field trip we've ever done. The kids get to go from the field to the washing/storage building then over to the packing shed. It's a great process that is very interesting-probably more so for the parents! The farmer is so nice and gives the kids apple treats, pins, and coloring books. There is no evidence in the following pics, but Hanna even got to go....shh! We're having our 4th Annual Fiesta Fundraiser this weekend-anyone want to buy tickets go our website goes for a great cause!! Anyway lots of cooking work ahead for us, but a really fun evening for families. My kids look forward to the pinatas. Hopefully there will be no guacomole throwing this year-Korbi are you listening???? Salsa might taste better!! Anyway then we also are going to see the Olympians in Spokane. The gymnasts are going on tour and we are lucky to have tickets. Hanna wants them to sign her leotard so bad! We have a busy week ahead, then October is here. Hope we hang in there!


Korbi said...

hey, e-mail me that pic of Beck and Piper in the apple orchard, I pretty much missed all that because I was cleaning up puke... Actually Alexie did most of it, kudos to her. Good thing Brandon was there to watch Beck off and on.

twylla said...

I am glad the children had a great experience. Field trips are so important to get the children out in the real world. We are coming the firstr Suncay in October but only for overnight. We will go home on Monday. Wish your dinner was the 4th Oh well we will at least get to see you for a little while.

steve and lisa said...

Of course I didn't get a lunch arranged on Tues. Ughh - I will try to get everyone together next Tues. Sounds like a lot of fun at the apple orchard. You are an amazing woman! With so much energy! Tara is in UT so we will call to VT when she gets back! Your kids are so darn cute! I love how every sun. they are dressed so cute & love how you guys are such great parents! Lisa

Jana said...

Great pictures! Sounds like you keep crazy busy with all the activities and school and gym.

Anonymous said...

Way to go dad, going on a field trip! Awesome! I hope they all had a great time, it looks like they did! Hey did I tell you I met someone who actually trained with Bela Karolyi!? It was really neat to talk with her. She lives in Blackfoot!

Marsha said...

FUN FUN FUN the apples look so good!! But they are still way too sweet. Have fun this weekend!