Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pneumonia Hits!

So, my little Alizah, the one who I made wait three days to go get a broken arm fixed and her head x-rayed, again showed us how tough she really is. She has been running a fever for four days-at least that's what we all thought because she was radiating enough heat to keep the house warm! She's laid on the couch and hasn't moved or ate and on Monday I finally broke down and bought a thermometer. She had a 102 with really no other symptoms. So I called the doctor and asked if I should waste my time going in. The nurse, knowing Alizah, said we should probably take her to the walk-in. We all know what kind of reaction Alizah has to doctor's, well technically even their parking lots, did not think a visit to the doc was what she wanted. She made such a fit in the waiting room that she cried herself to sleep. We waited 1 1/2 hours to be seen and a kind couple even let me go in front of them. They even commented that they couldn't believe anyone else wouldn't let us go before them after seeing the anxiety that Alizah had. After x-rays, we went home with a diagnosis of pneumonia and sinus infections. Now comes the hard part of getting the medicine down her! If she's not better by Wednseday we have to go back for a shot. This is my alternative that I give her every time the medicine time comes up. I opted just for the shot to begin with, but the doc said she'd have to take medicine for the sinus stuff anyway. So we are having a lazy day at home, not going anywhere. I guess I'm taking a "sick" day too because I've watched cartoons enough this morning! I've got to get busy doing something with my day off....


twylla said...

Oh I am so sorry for sweet little Aliza. It seems in every family there is one that always gets hurt or in trouble or just gets on your nerves or something. Any way I am really sad that she has so much trouble. Poor little darling.

Sommers said...

That is so sad... I am so sorry!!!

melanie said...

So sorry she's sick! Sick kids about do me in. The constant battles do me in! Let me know if there is anything I can do, I have lots of time and a babysitter, ha!

Jana said...

Wow, I think Twylla just described her kids. I think you can probably match the description to the kid - Dawn probably get the or something. I tell you - middle kids have it the roughest! Tell her to hang in there. She'll be back on her feet soon fighting like a little tiger.