Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Here is Alizah and her fire hat. This is her newest thing. At any point during the day she'll tell us the "cover your eyes and roll, and roll, and roll" story. Just last night she wanted to make sure that Piper knew how to cover her eyes and roll! She also remembers from the fireman talk at school that if a dog is in the house, you don't go back, "you let em' burn"! No, that's not what the fireman said, but that's what Alizah got! She loves her escuela....Some cute things she's said in the past month are that her belly button, "sucks" (meaning it sucks in). "It sucks, it sucks, look it sucks" she's telling all the other kids. Maestra Korbi had to figure out what she was saying. She also tells me when I forget to "drowned" the water. (drain the water from the bathtub). Does anyone remember the leewlo (leotard) phase? Well technically we are still in it, but now we've added the red sweatsuit phase. Heaven forbid if I don't get it washed fast enough. Notice in the picture, she's wearing the red shirt to the suit, but the pants were dirty....sad day!!
Piper's picture is showing her "shoe, shoes" . She is obsessed with shoes and has been for some time. This day we've started the "do my self" stage. So now we are seen with them on the wrong feet or even wearing our sisters shoes. As anyone who knows me I pick my battles and most of the time I don't pick any battles at all!! Piper's second haircut to fix her mullet that is growing in the back is on thursday. This should be interesting. Her hair is growing faster than Alizah's! Does anyone notice that this post is actually less than 12 hours since my last? I actually organized my pictures in folders on the computer (Yes, this took me most of the day on Mon) so it's easier to post pics. Yeah for us, it probably won't happen again until next spring break!


Anonymous said...

As I recall, Piper is not the only one who has been in a "shoe" phase! Good-luck

Brit said...

Wow Kort I am impressed!! You are wonderwoman!! YOur girls are so cute and yes I pick my battles also and always have someone comment on how I am a bad mother for letting my kids wear what they do or don't wear. But kids are only kids for so long and why fight with them for such little things???

Marsha said...

Shoe-shoes what could be better to be addicted to? Love the expression on Alizahs face!