Wednesday, April 2, 2008

New question for anyone reading.... HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU THINK IT TAKES SOMEONE SAYING "PUSH THE BUTTON" TO MAKE A TWO YEAR OLD ACTUALLY PUSH THE BUTTON???? So the story that goes with this one again happened with Piper. Poor Piper, the things she has to do to get attention!! So as in my previous blog, we've been trying to get home for three days and couldn't make it. Here's one more of the reasons why. I'm running to the pickup, putting Piper in (the pickup has been running to keep warm because of the freezing cold Idaho weather), and turn around to pick something up. Piper hit the button and locked me out. So for the next forty-five minutes I say "Push the button, please push the button, where's the button, push the button for mommy, PUSH THE BUTTON, go get the button, etc., etc., you get the idea. Piper was probably enjoying watching me jump up and down in the freezing cold screaming excitedly everytime she got even near the button!! She finally had climbed in the back seat and happened to push the right button and in I go to find her sweating in the heat and at this point crying with the green snot (that I previously mentioned)running past her chin. Oh what a memory for me!! So we make it home today to run into Hanna's classroom do the birthday celebration, run to the doctor for anitbiotics, and run to work to teach gymnastics. It's 10:00 at night and I'm glad to be home and hopefully we are on the uphill of our winter colds battle. As sick as everyone was we sure enjoyed seeing family with the three new babies that were added into the family! We just pray we did not get anyone sick! I guess if we did, you can payback us if you come visit!! I'll add some more birthday pictures soon.....


Korbi said...

so glad to hear that you are back and all in one peice! I am up with contractions! Yeah! But now I am not sure that I will make it pick up Hanna after school, but I will pack her present and take it to the hospital with me. And guess what? I FINALLY made you a house key! I have told like 4 people your "push the button" story and I must say it's so much funnier to hear the story! Your voice gets all funny when you tell it. :)