Monday, April 28, 2008

Breaking News!! Kortni just posted twice in a day!! I'm really trying guys. I know that everyone in the world thinks I'm too busy for friends and family, but I'm really trying. It's just extremely hard for me to keep it all together and make everyone happy!
Well, we just did Alizah's hair and anyone that knows about our latest Alizah phase will recognize the green and teal headband. She wears it, school, bed, probably swimming if the phase lasts that long! She always wants two pony tails and
then adds the headband herself.
WE LOVE ALIZAH and all her pizazz!!!


Korbi said...

hey, I just wanted to say thank you to Aunt Kiki for donating the ugle head band to the Alizah cause. :) You're not too busy for me are you>

Marsha said...

Look at that beautiful face..and that smile?! Doesn't matter what phase she's going through, gotta love that sweet little girl.

Korbi said...

we stole the ugly headband back and tried to make her a cuter one, she requested a blue one. hope it's better than the last one!

dhbean said...

Hey Kortni! This is Holly "Holbrook" Bean. I saw your blog through Kassie Moen's and thought it would be fun to keep in touch! Your girls are absolutely beautiful! It sounds like you are crazy busy with all of your gymnastics stuff! I love being able to see everyone's cute families through blogging! My blog is Have a great day!!! :)

Brit said...

Oh I love Alizah tooo!! at least she wears underwear and shoes that fit her!!!! you'll never know how much I miss all of you!!!! love ya