Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Murdered mouse?

I have not murdered my mouse house guest yet, although the thought consumes me....I tip toe around doing the dishes and know that he/she is not going to run out while I'm watching, he'll/she'll wait until my guard is down and scare me then. Just when I think it might be gone (after a few days of no signs), it will make an appearance. I know the process, but can't seem to get it out of my mind. Besides a wanna be mouse killer, I'm also a liar to my children. According to them, the traps are still set "just in case" because we've caught the mouse. To my defense, the lie was necessary for their health. Poor Hanna ate her cereal on the stairs today for fear of going downstairs. If anyone is close to Hanna, they know her EXTREME fear of rats because of Ratatouie-the movie. We can't even say rats in our hair-we have to say snarls. She has nightmares, etc. So you can only imagine what one living in our house does to her. I hope to see a dead mouse tomorrow-I'd even take two or three (because Korbi says if there's one-you know there's more. She tells me this why????)

Besides setting my own mouse traps last night, I also went out of my comfort zone and attended a Chamber of Commerce social as we are now a part of the "commerce". It sounds so official. I was completely out of my eliment. It's a good thing I took Jasmine-my other teacher because I seemed to be tongue tied the whole time. I'm very comfortable around 5 year olds, but men and women in business attire intimidate me. It will be very good for our business as we are trying to up the level of professionalism. I also am enjoying the peace and quiet of my new office. I'm needed a few more pieces of office furniture, but anyone that is around here, I'm inviting you to "step into" my office and let me just pretend to do real business for a few minutes! Maybe I should make Korbi come take pictures to post for everyone when it's done!