Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Pretzels, cakes, and messes

The girls LOVE to cook. I had a few pics on my phone of their latest cooking adventures. If you notice these two do not have a parent in them. It's the girls' favorite people, their babysitter, Lindsay and their pretend older sister Ella. Lindsay babysits on Mondays and Fridays. Fridays are "Treat Fridays" where she brings them treats or makes something with them. They look forward to her every week. The second pic is of Ella making her famous pretzels with us. I did help with this, which did us no good, because we burnt them. They were supposed to be for Jerry down the street who always helps us. He did get some, but they weren't our best showing! Ella is so patient with the girls. Her and Hanna play models, photographers, and rock stars. I love that she includes the other two and seems to make everyone happy. We've looked into renting her on a monthly basis, but her mom wouldn't go for it! A funny story about Lindsay and her sister, McKenna (who sometimes babysits too) is that the girls play, "Lindsay and McKenna". One of them will be Lindsay and the other- McKenna and they will talk to each other as the girls and dance around. (They are both dancers and Lindsay is on Drill team-who we went to watch at a football game once.) It's pretty cute and I honestly can't think of two better role models. I love how much I trust them to babysit and it definately says something when the girls want me to leave so Lindsay can come over!!


twylla said...

The kitchen is a good place to do things together. If things dont turn out so good so what it was fun making them. That is the important part working together to see that we can all make mistakes but it doesnt matter we can try Good times for the girls. They can learn that we all have to work togwthewr to get things done. tomorrow to do a better jkob.

Anonymous said...

Where do you think Lindsay will be going to school!? Boise!? Send her my way!
Cute, cute, cute

Lori said...

Lindsay is one of my favorite girls....I always tell her if we were just a little closer in age we would be best friends. I'm glad she gets to help with your kids. Sorry about the scary for you all.