Monday, May 12, 2008


Happy Mother's Day Everyone!! These are Sunday's church pictures. All my beautiful reasons I'm a mother showcased here! I loved their white dresses and they all looked so innocent and perfect... They even let me do their hair without too many screams. Alizah did add the blue bow to her pigtails and the dark navy shoes instead of the white sandals, but that's why I love her so I didn't mind. It was a busy mother's day, with making Korbi's blessing dessert (that was soo yummy! Thanks Megan for the Mtn. Dew apple dessert-so many compliments. I got invited over to houses as long as the dessert came with me!), and then the blessing sacrament mtg. and then rushing to our ward so I could lead the music for the primary program, then back to Korbi's dinner. It was fun to see all the family. Hanna missed out. You can't tell from the picture (yeah for drugs!), but she ran a high fever all weekend that needed motrin every 4 hours. She just slept through the swimming and playing. It was so sad. She only sees her cousins a few times a year. I'm not sure what is going on with her. She has done this about four times already this year-the high fever and no other symptoms...We miserably wait it out, then it goes away after 4-5 days. OK back to why I love being a mother. It's good for me to write about it and bring back into the reality of motherhood instead of the whirlwind that I seem to be in daily....So reasons here......
1. I love the hugs, kisses, and cuddles.
2. Hearing them say I love you. Piper said it for the first time last week.
3. Teaching my girls in pre-school and kindergarten.
4. Reading books to them.
5. Watching them play make believe.
6. Seeing them learn new things.
7. Knowing that they need me and more than that- want me by them.
8. Dressing them up and doing their hair.
9. Listening to them sing.
10. Taking them to the theatre.
11. Listening to their prayers.
12. Watching them being tickled by their daddy.
13. Giving birth and holding each of them for the first time.
14. The late nights all alone just watching them sleep.

I really could go on. But the quiet reflection is over, as I hear screams (which I love...) coming from upstairs. I think someone just found money from the tooth fairy!! We'll see how much time has changed from when I found a quarter under my pillow.....


Brit said...

Thank you for taking my boys and taking pictures of them!!! Hanna I am so sorry you didn't feel good we missed you!!! It was so good to spend a little time with all of you!!! We love you and Hanna congrats on losing your tooth!!!

Korbi said...

yeah, I heard the tooth fairy brought 3 bucks! Hanna and I decided that she must sell the teeth for a high profit in order to have such in increase in the amount of money she now hands out...

melanie said...

Ha ha, I cooked the same dessert for Mother's Day!! Megan must read The Pioneer Woman Cooks! Everyone loved it at my mil's house too. Of course with Mt Dew as an ingredient maybe even Korbi ate it. :)

You look great with the girls. Alizah cracks me up with her style! Just prepare yourself now, she will have blue hair like Korbi one day. I can just feel it, ha.

Megan said...

Cute post. I'm glad your dessert was a hit. And yes, Melanie, I read the Pioneer Woman website everyday! Everything I've made from her site is yummy - and so easy to make. She rocks!