Friday, May 30, 2008

Wow! I know everyone is shocked I'm finally posting, but we've been a slight bit busy!! The last day of my school is tomorrow, so end of the year business has taken over our lives! So I promise more posts will follow soon....Last weekend was Spring Fest which is a big celebration in Moses Lake. We participated with demonstrations with our gymnasts (which way cute pictures of the girls will be posted soon) and attending the moonlight parade-which the girls cleaned house in the collecting candy department, and as you can see by the pictures we went to the carnival. Well, the first picture is a picture of our "daredevil" Piper trying to get away from Brandon picking her up because she wanted to continue the ride!! She was braver than any of our kids and even went on the roller coaster which even I thought was a little crazy for her! Everyone watching her being jerked around couldn't believe she didn't end up screaming! The second picture is Alizah and Hanna. Hanna is very careful about what she will go on and Alizah is just in between and will lead or follow! The girls can't wait until the fair to ride more rides and we will learn our lesson and buy arm bands this time because we forget that three kids mean more money and more tickets!


Korbi said...

at 4 bucks a pop I can only imagine... :)

Marsha said...

Imagine how they'd feel about Lagoon!